Windows News 2006 October
Text File
1,531 lines
10101 Fatal Error in ZipDLL.DLL: abort exception
10102 Error - no zip file specified!
10103 Requested memory not available
10104 Error - passwords do NOT match\nPassword ignored
10105 Copying:
10106 Exception in Event handler
10107 Was busy, Instructions may have been lost!
10108 Busy, Please wait
10109 not Active
10110 Index (%d) outside range 1..%d
10111 Temporary zipfile: %s
10112 Busy + %s
10113 Exception in Event
10118 DLL Error - Aborting
10119 DLL Error - Busy
10120 DLL Error - User Cancelled
10121 DLL Error - Not enough memory
10122 DLL Error - Invalid structure
10123 DLL Error - Exception in handler
10124 critical DLL Error %d
10125 Unknown error %d
10126 Skipped %s %d
10140 Error while copying the SFX header
10141 Rename is not implemented for a spanned zip file
10142 Processing:
10143 renamed to:
10144 Invalid date/time argument for file:
10150 Error - no add password given
10151 Error - no extract password given
10154 Password
10155 Enter Password
10156 Confirm Password
10159 for file:
10180 Source archive is the same as the destination archive!
10181 Overwrite file '%s' in '%s' ?
10182 Copying a file from '%s' to '%s' failed
10183 File '%s' is not present in '%s'!
10184 Error while copying the SFX data
10185 Destination zip archive could not be opened!
10186 CopyZippedFiles is not implemented for a spanned zip file
10201 Seek error reading Zip archive!
10202 Unknown error in List() function\n
10203 Warning - Error in zip structure!
10204 Warning - Garbage at the end of the zipfile!
10205 File larger than 4GB
10206 Unknown Compression Method
10220 &Yes
10221 &No
10222 &OK
10223 &Cancel
10224 &Abort
10225 &Retry
10226 &Ignore
10227 CancelAll
10228 NoToAll
10229 YesToAll
10301 Error - no files to zip!
10302 Unattended action not possible without a password
10303 AddFreshen or AddUpdate not possible on a spanned archive
10304 Error %.1d occurred during Auto SFX creation.
10306 Input stream may not be set to the output stream
10307 Wildcards are not allowed in Filename or file specification
10308 Destination directory '%s' must exist!
10401 Error - no files selected for deletion
10402 Delete Files from archive is not implemented for a spanned zip file
10501 Fatal Error in UnzDLL.DLL: abort exception
10502 Warning - Unattended Extract: possible not all files extracted
10503 Error - your UnzDLL.dll can not use streams, please update to version >= 1.60
10504 Extract directory '%s' must exist
10650 Failed to load %s
10651 Unable to load %s - It is old or corrupt
10652 Loaded
10653 Unloaded
10801 Error - On or more of the 4 property strings mentioned below exceeds 255 characters!
10802 Error: SFX stub '%s' not found!
10803 Error: input file is not a zip file
10804 SFX Functions not supported
10805 SFX Message string exceeds 255 characters!
10806 SFX Default path exceeds 255 characters!
10807 SFX Dialog title exceeds 255 characters!
10808 SFX Command line exceeds 255 characters!
10809 SFX Fallback path exceeds 255 characters!
10901 Error - no .EXE file specified
10902 Error: input file is not an .EXE file
10903 Error determining the type of SFX archive
11001 Input file does not exist
11002 Zip file could not be opened
11003 Not a valid drive: %s
11004 Drive %s is NOT defined
11005 Volume label could not be set
11006 Not enough memory to display MsgBox
11007 User canceled operation
11008 Seek error in input file
11009 Creation of output file failed
11010 Write error in output file
11011 Error while reading the End Of Central Directory
11012 Error while reading a local header
11013 Error while reading a central header
11014 A local header signature is wrong
11015 A central header signature is wrong
11016 Error while reading a local file name
11017 Error while reading a central file name
11018 Error while reading a local extra field
11019 Error while reading a central extra field
11020 Error while reading/writing a data descriptor area
11021 Error while reading zipped data
11022 Error while reading a file comment
11023 Error while reading the archive comment
11024 UnKnown error in function ReadSpan(), WriteSpan(), ChangeFileDetails() or CopyZippedFiles()\n
11025 Unattended disk spanning not implemented
11026 A local header not found in internal structure
11027 Temporary file could not be created
11028 Error while writing a local header
11029 Error while writing a central header
11030 Error while writing the End Of Central Directory
11031 Error while reading a Extended Local signature
11032 This disk has not enough free space available
11033 Please insert last disk
11034 Please insert disk volume %.1d of %.1d
11035 \nin drive: %s
11036 This archive is not a valid Zip archive
11037 This is the first disk in a backup set,\nplease insert the last disk of this set
11038 This is the %dth disk in a backup set,\nplease insert the last disk of this set
11039 There is already a file %s\nDo you want to overwrite this file
11040 ATTENTION: This is previous disk no %d!!!\nAre you sure you want to overwrite the contents
11041 Error - Self extracting archives(.exe) can not be spanned
11042 Error while copying a filename of a CEH structure
11043 Seek error while skipping a EOC structure
11044 Error while copying the zip archive comment
11045 This is the first file in a backup set,\nplease choose the last file of this set
11046 Please insert disk volume %.1d
11047 Central directory
11048 DiskSpanning not supported
11049 Unknown Error
11050 Last part left as : %s
11101 Erase
11102 Confirm
11201 Size of FileExtraData is larger than available array
11301 ChangeFileDetails is not implemented for a spanned zip file
11302 No Event Handler found to Change File Details
11303 Error while writing a local extra field
11304 Error while writing a central extra field
11305 Error while writing a file comment
11307 The combined length of CEH + FileName + FileComment + ExtraData exceeds 65535
11308 Changing details of:
11309 Duplicate Filename: %s
11310 Cannot change details of Excrypted file
11311 Invalid Filename: '%s'
11312 Cannot change path
11313 Filespec '%s' skipped
11401 *Resetting Archive bit
11402 *Copying Zip File
11403 *SFX
11404 *??
11405 *Finalising
11406 *Copying
11407 *Central Directory
11408 *Checking
11409 *Loading Directory
11410 *Joining split zip file
11411 *Splitting zip file
11500 Dropping %d empty directory entries
11501 Nothing to write
11600 EraseFloppy - Removing %s
11601 EraseFloppy - Deleting %s
11602 Trace : GetNewDisk Opening: %s
64160 Erro - PersistFile.Save falhou
64161 Setar atributos
64162 Tamanho do diretΓio
64163 e todas as sub-pastas
64176 Por favor especifique uma pasta
64177 N╠} ?uma letra de unidade vεZida
64178 N╠} h?um disco na unidade ou a unidade n╠} est?preparada.
64179 j?existe !
64180 Erro - Nome da pasta n╠} ?vεZido
64181 Deseja renomear a pasta selecionada
64182 N╠} ?possIvel adicionar unidades
64183 Nova pasta
64184 o nome da pasta contf^ caracteres invεZidos.
64185 n╠} encontrado
64186 Arquivos em
64187 Opera╜èo com arquivos falhou
64188 Somente para leitura
64189 N╠} h?pasta(s) selecionada(s)
64190 Enviar para a pasta
64191 Por favor digite caminho da pasta de destino
64192 Con&ectar unidade de rede
64193 De&sconectar unidade de rede
64194 &Propriedades
64195 Unidade
64196 Pasta "
64197 ERRO -
64198 arquivo
64199 De :
64200 Para :
64201 Cancelar
64202 Explorar
64203 Somente leitura
64204 Arquivo
64205 Oculto
64206 Sistema
64207 ERRO - impossIvel
64208 &Renomear
64209 &Apagar
64210 &Propriedades
64211 &Nova pasta ...
64212 Para a pasta ...
64213 Copiar conte$αo para δZea de transfer=vcia
64214 Copiar somente o nome para δZea de transfer=vcia
64215 Ɓea de Trabalhao como Atalho
64216 &Nova pasta
64217 &Renomear pasta
64218 &Apagar pasta
64219 Cor&tar
64220 &Copiar
64221 Col&ar
64222 Ta&manho do diretΓio
64223 C&onte$αo da pasta
64224 Atributos
64225 Tamanho total
64226 Espaà livre
64227 Desconhecido
64228 N╠} existe
64229 Disco removIvel
64230 Disco fixo
64231 Disco de rede
64232 CD-ROM
64233 Disco RAM
64234 &Abrir
64235 &Visualizar
64236 E&nviar para
64237 Cor&tar
64238 &Copiar
64239 Col&ar
64240 El nombre de la carpeta contiene caracteres invεZidos.
64241 no encontrado
64242 Ficheros en
64243 La operaciεô con el fichero ha fallado
64244 Es de sʓo lectura
64245 No hay fichero(s) seleccionado(s)
64246 Enviar a carpeta
64247 Por favor intruduzca la carpeta donde enviar
64248 Error - PersistFile.Save fall
64249 Poner atributos
64250 TAMA╞W DEL α|BOL
64251 y todas sus subcarpetas
64252 Nome
64253 Tamanho
64254 Tipo
64255 Modificado
64256 A :
64257 Cancelar
64258 Explorar
64259 Sʓo lectura
64260 Archivo
64261 Oculto
64262 Sistema
64263 ERROR - No se puede
64264 Por favor especifique un directorio
64265 No es una letra de unidad vεZida
64266 No hay disco en la unidad o la unidad no est?preparada.
64267 " ya existe !
64268 Error - nombre de carpeta no vεZido
64269 Quiere renombrar la carpeta seleccionada
64270 No se pueden aÖôdir unidades
64271 Nueva carpeta
64272 &Nueva carpeta
64273 &Renombrar carpeta
64274 &Borrar carpeta
64275 Cor&tar
64276 &Copiar
64277 &Pegar
64278 Ta&ma│û del δZbol
64279 C&ontenido de la carpeta
64280 Con&ectar unidad de red
64281 De&sconectar unidad de red
64282 &Propiedades
64283 Unidad
64284 Carpeta "
64285 ERROR -
64286 el fichero
64287 De :
64288 CD-ROM
64289 Disco RAM
64290 &Abrir
64291 &Ver
64292 E&nviar a
64293 Cor&tar
64294 &Copiar
64295 &Pegar
64296 &Renombrar
64297 &Borrar
64298 &Propiedades
64299 &Nueva carpeta ...
64300 Una carpeta ...
64301 Copiar contenido al portapapeles
64302 Copiar nombre del fichero al portapapeles
64303 Acceso directo al escritorio
64304 Verknjßfung konnte nicht erstellt werden!
64305 Attribute setzen...
64306 BAUMGRÿ|E
64307 und alle untergeordneten Ordner
64308 Nombre
64309 Tama│û
64310 Tipo
64311 Modificado
64312 Attributos
64313 Tama│û total
64314 Espacio libre
64315 Desconocido
64316 No existe
64317 Disco extraible
64318 Disco fijo
64319 Disco de red
64320 Bitte w#ælen Sie ein Verzeichnis:
64321 Keine gfßtige Laufwerksbezeichnung!
64322 Kein DatentrÅer im Laufwerk oder Laufwerk nicht bereit!
64323 existiert bereits!
64324 Fehler - Ungfßtiger Verzeichnisname:
64325 Wollen Sie den markierten Ordner umbenennen
64326 Hinzufaßen von Laufwerken nicht m7ölich!
64327 Neuer Ordner
64328 Ordnername enthæt ungfßtige Zeichen!
64329 nicht gefunden!
64330 Dateien in
64331 Dateioperation ist fehlgeschlagen!
64332 Die Datei ist schreibgeschnßzt!
64333 Keine Datei(en) markiert!
64334 An Ordner senden...
64335 Bitte geben Sie den Zielpfad ein:
64336 Netzlaufwerk &verbinden...
64337 Netzlaufwerk &trennen...
64338 Eigen&schaften
64339 Laufwerk
64340 Ordner "
64341 Fehler -
64342 " ist fehlgeschlagen mit Datei
64343 Von :
64344 Nach :
64345 &Abbrechen
64346 Ordner &w#ælen
64347 Schreibgeschnßzt
64348 Archiv
64349 Versteckt
64350 System
64351 Fehler - Dateioperation "
64352 &Umbenennen
64353 &L╔ÿchen
64354 Eigen&schaften
64355 Neuer &Ordner
64356 Ordne&r...
64357 &Datei(en) an Zwischenablage
64358 Dateiname(n) an Z&wischenablage
64359 &Verknjßfung auf den Desktop
64360 &Neuer Ordner
64361 &Ordner umbenennen
64362 Ordner &l╔ÿchen
64363 &Ausschneiden
64364 &Kopieren
64365 &Einfaßen
64366 Ordner&gr≥^e
64367 Ordner&inhalt
64368 Attribute
64369 Gesamtgr≥^e
64370 Freier Speicher
64371 Unbekannt
64372 Nicht existent
64373 Disketten-Laufwerk
64374 Lokales Laufwerk
64375 Netz-Laufwerk
64376 CD-ROM-Laufwerk
64377 RAM-Laufwerk
64378 ?ffnen
64379 An&zeigen
64380 Se&nden an
64381 &Ausschneiden
64382 &Kopieren
64383 &Einfaßen
64384 Le nom de dossier contient des caractΦÆes interdits
64385 pas trouv
64386 Fichiers dans
64387 L'opΦ^ation sur le fichier a ░]hou
64388 Lecteur en Lecture Seule
64389 Pas de fichier sh^ectionn
64390 Copier dans le dossier...
64391 Veuillez donner le chemin de destination
64392 Erreur - Fichier prot▓]?L'enregistrement ?░]hou
64393 Donnez les Attributs
64394 Taille de l'arbre
64395 et de tous ses sous-dossiers
64396 Dateiname
64397 Gr≥^e
64398 Typ
64399 Geædert am
64400 ? :
64401 Annule
64402 Parcourir
64403 Lecture Seule
64404 Archive
64405 Cach
64406 Systגe
64407 ERREUR - Impossible de
64408 SVP choisissez un rτ^ertoire
64409 ID de lecteur non valide
64410 Il n'y a pas de disque dans le lecteurou le lecteur n'est pas pr╗v.
64411 " existe d┤]?!
64412 Erreur - Nom de rτ^ertoire invalide
64413 Voulez-vous renommer le dossier sh^ectionn
64414 Impossible d'ajouter des lecteurs
64415 Nouveau Dossier
64416 &Nouveau Dossier
64417 &Renommer le Dossier
64418 &Effacer le Dossier
64419 Cou&per
64420 &Copier
64421 Co&ller
64422 Taille de l'&arborescence
64423 &Contenu du Dossier
64424 &Connecter Lecteur Rσ^eau ...
64425 &D░]onnecter Lecteur Rσ^eau
64426 &PropriK_σ^
64427 Lecteur
64428 Dossier "
64429 ERREUR -
64430 le fichier
64431 de :
64432 CD-ROM
64433 RAM Disk
64434 &Ouvrir
64435 &Voir
64436 Co&pier dans
64437 C&ouper
64438 &Copier
64439 Co&ller
64440 &Renommer
64441 &Supprimer
64442 &PropriK_σ^
64443 &Nouveau Dossier ...
64444 le Dossier ...
64445 Contenu dans le Presse-Papier
64446 Nom du fichier dans le Presse-Papier
64447 Comme Raccourci sur le Bureau
64448 Error - PersistFile.Save failed
64449 Set Attributes
64451 and all its Sub-Folders
64452 Nom
64453 Taille
64454 Type
64455 Date
64456 Attributs
64457 Taille Disque
64458 Espace libre
64459 Inconnu
64460 N'existe pas
64461 Disque amovible
64462 Disque Fixe
64463 Disque Rσ^eau
64464 Please specify a directory
64465 Not a valid Drive ID
64466 There is no disk in Drive or Drive is not ready
64467 already exists !
64468 Error - Invalid Directory Name
64469 Do you want to rename the selected folder
64470 Can't add drives
64471 New Folder
64472 Folder Name contains invalid characters
64473 not found
64474 Files in
64475 File operation failed
64476 It's ReadOnly
64477 No file(s) selected
64478 Send to any folder
64479 Please enter the send_to path
64480 &Map Network Drive ...
64481 Dis&Connect Network Drive
64482 &Property
64483 Drive
64484 Folder "
64485 ERROR -
64486 file
64487 From :
64488 To :
64489 Cancel
64490 Browse
64491 ReadOnly
64492 Archive
64493 Hidden
64494 System
64495 ERROR - Can't
64496 &Rename
64497 &Delete
64498 &Properties
64499 &New Folder...
64500 Any Folder ...
64501 Clipboard as Contents
64502 Clipboard as FileName
64503 DeskTop as ShortCut
64504 &New Folder
64505 &Rename Folder
64506 &Delete Folder
64507 Cu&t
64508 &Copy
64509 &Paste
64510 Tree &Size
64511 &Folder Contents
64512 Attr
64513 Disk Size
64514 Free Space
64515 Unknown
64516 Not exist
64517 Removable Disk
64518 Fixed Disk
64519 Network Disk
64520 CD-ROM Disk
64521 RAM Disk
64522 &Open
64523 &View
64524 Se&nd To
64525 Cu&t
64526 &Copy
64527 &Paste
64528 Execute not supported: %s
64529 Field '%s' is not the correct type of calculated field to be used in an aggregate, use an internalcalc
64530 Operation not allowed on a unidirectional dataset
64531 Unassigned variant value
64532 Record not found
64533 BCD overflow
64534 %s is not a valid BCD value
64535 Invalid format type for BCD
64536 Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string
64537 Invalid SQL date/time values
64538 Invalid stream operation
64539 Error
64540 Name
64541 Size
64542 Type
64543 Modified
64544 Field '%s' cannot be used in a filter expression
64545 NULL only allowed with '=' and '<>'
64546 Constant out of range
64547 Incorrectly formed filter expression
64548 nothing
64549 Type mismatch in expression
64550 Operation cannot mix aggregate value with record-varying value
64551 Arithmetic in filter expressions not supported
64552 Expression is not an aggregate expression
64553 Constant is not correct type %s
64554 Aggregate expressions not allowed in filters
64555 IN predicate list may not be empty
64556 Invalid use of keyword
64557 False
64558 True
64559 SQL not supported: %s
64560 Lookup information for field '%s' is incomplete
64561 DataSource cannot be changed
64562 Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset
64563 Dataset not in edit or insert mode
64564 Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset
64565 Cannot perform this operation on an empty dataset
64566 Cannot modify a read-only dataset
64567 Nested dataset must inherit from %s
64568 Filter expression incorrectly terminated
64569 Unterminated field name
64570 Unterminated string constant
64571 Invalid filter expression character: '%s'
64572 '(' expected but %s found
64573 ')' expected but %s found
64574 ')' or ',' expected but %s found
64575 Expression expected but %s found
64576 Cannot access field '%s' as type %s
64577 Invalid value for field '%s'
64578 %g is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %g to %g
64579 %s is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %s to %s
64580 '%s' is not a valid integer value for field '%s'
64581 '%s' is not a valid boolean value for field '%s'
64582 '%s' is not a valid floating point value for field '%s'
64583 Type mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %s actual: %s
64584 Size mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %d actual: %d
64585 Invalid variant type or size for field '%s'
64586 Value of field '%s' is out of range
64587 Field '%s' must have a value
64588 Field '%s' has no dataset
64589 Field '%s' cannot be a calculated or lookup field
64590 Duplicate index name '%s'
64591 Circular datalinks are not allowed
64592 Command not supported.
64593 Address type not supported.
64594 Destination file already exists.
64595 Name
64596 Size
64597 Type
64598 Modified
64599 Unable to retrieve folder details for "%s". Error code $%x
64600 %s: Missing call to LoadColumnDetails
64601 Rename to %s failed
64602 Invalid field size
64603 Invalid FieldKind
64604 Field '%s' is of an unknown type
64605 Field name missing
64606 Duplicate field name '%s'
64607 Field '%s' not found
64608 No route to host.
64609 Directory not empty
64610 Host not found.
64611 Request rejected or failed.
64612 Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect.
64613 Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids.
64614 Unknown socks error.
64615 Socks server did not respond.
64616 Invalid socks authentication method.
64617 Authentication error to socks server.
64618 General SOCKS server failure.
64619 Connection not allowed by ruleset.
64620 Network unreachable.
64621 Host unreachable.
64622 Connection refused.
64623 TTL expired.
64624 Cannot assign requested address.
64625 Network is down.
64626 Network is unreachable.
64627 Net dropped connection or reset.
64628 Software caused connection abort.
64629 Connection reset by peer.
64630 No buffer space available.
64631 Socket is already connected.
64632 Socket is not connected.
64633 Cannot send or receive after socket is closed.
64634 Too many references, cannot splice.
64635 Connection timed out.
64636 Connection refused.
64637 Too many levels of symbolic links.
64638 File name too long.
64639 Host is down.
64640 Invalid argument.
64641 Too many open files.
64642 Operation would block.
64643 Operation now in progress.
64644 Operation already in progress.
64645 Socket operation on non-socket.
64646 Destination address required.
64647 Message too long.
64648 Protocol wrong type for socket.
64649 Bad protocol option.
64650 Protocol not supported.
64651 Socket type not supported.
64652 Operation not supported on socket.
64653 Protocol family not supported.
64654 Address family not supported by protocol family.
64655 Address already in use.
64656 <EOL>
64657 <CR>
64658 <LF>
64659 Unknown
64660 Unknown FTP listing format
64661 Connection established
64662 Starting FTP transfer
64663 Transfer complete
64664 Transfer aborted
64665 %s is not a valid service.
64666 Socket Error # %d\n%s
64667 %s is not a valid IP address.
64668 Interrupted system call.
64669 Bad file number.
64670 Access denied.
64671 Bad address.
64672 No data to read.
64673 Can not bind in port range (%d - %d)
64674 Invalid Port Range (%d - %d)
64675 Read Timeout
64676 Max line length exceeded.
64677 Error on call Winsock2 library function %s
64678 Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)
64679 Resolving hostname %s.
64680 Connecting to %s.
64681 Connected.
64682 Disconnecting.
64683 Disconnected.
64684 %s
64685 Connect timed out.
64686 Connected.
64687 Disconnected.
64688 Loading...
64689 Saving...
64690 Converting...
64691 Rendering...
64692 Copying...
64693 Optimizing...
64694 Already connected.
64695 Cannot allocate socket.
64696 Connection Closed Gracefully.
64697 Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use.
64698 Not enough data in buffer.
64699 Winsock Initialization Error.
64700 Set Size Exceeded.
64701 File "%s" not found
64702 Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application.
64703 Not Connected
64704 Invalid GIF data
64705 Image height too small for contained frames
64706 Image width too small for contained frames
64707 Failed to store GIF on clipboard
64708 Image exceeds Logical Screen size
64709 No global or local color table defined
64710 Invalid pixel coordinates
64711 Unsupported PixelFormat
64712 Invalid image dimensions
64713 Image has no DIB
64714 Invalid stream operation
64715 Color not in color table
64716 Color table is empty
64717 Image is empty
64718 Invalid reduction method
64719 GIF Image
64720 Color table overflow
64721 Invalid color index
64722 Unsupported GIF version
64723 Invalid GIF signature
64724 Invalid number of colors specified in Screen Descriptor
64725 Invalid number of colors specified in Image Descriptor
64726 Unknown extension type
64727 Invalid extension introducer
64728 Failed to allocate memory for GIF DIB
64729 Decoder bit buffer under-run
64730 Circular decoder table entry
64731 Invalid Image trailer
64732 Internal error: Extension Instance does not match Extension Label
64733 Unsupported Application Extension block size
64734 Unknown GIF block type
64735 Object type not supported for operation
64736 Java
64737 Borland Forms
64738 HTML
64739 General
64740 Object Pascal
64741 INI
64742 Inno Setup Script
64743 XML
64744 Invalid stringlist index %d
64745 Stringlist capacity cannot be smaller than count
64746 OLE control activation failed
64747 Could not obtain OLE control window handle
64748 License information for %s is invalid
64749 License information for %s not found. You cannot use this control in design mode
64750 Unable to retrieve a pointer to a running object registered with OLE for %s/%s
64751 Premature end of data
64752 Text
64753 Unknown Word
64754 Value
64755 Whitespace
64756 %d - %d
64757 Top Line: %d
64758 Shortcut already exists
64759 Pascal Files (*.pas;*.pp;*.dpr;*.dpk;*.inc)|*.pas;*.pp;*.dpr;*.dpk;*.inc
64760 C/C++ Files (*.c;*.cpp;*.h;*.hpp)|*.c;*.cpp;*.h;*.hpp
64761 Java Files (*.java)|*.java
64762 HTML Documents (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html
64763 Borland Form Files (*.dfm;*.xfm)|*.dfm;*.xfm
64764 INI Files (*.ini)|*.ini
64765 Inno Setup Scripts (*.iss)|*.iss
64766 XML Files (*.xml;*.xsd;*.xsl;*.xslt;*.dtd)|*.xml;*.xsd;*.xsl;*.xslt;*.dtd
64767 C/C++
64768 Hexadecimal
64769 Identifier
64770 Illegal Char
64771 Invalid Symbol
64772 Key
64773 Namespace Attribute Name
64774 Namespace Attribute Value
64775 Number
64776 Octal
64777 Preprocessor
64778 Processing Instruction
64779 Reserved Word
64780 Section
64781 Space
64782 String
64783 Symbol
64784 Bogus JPEG tables field.
64785 Fractional JPEG scanline unsupported.
64786 Warning
64787 Assembler
64788 Attribute Name
64789 Attribute Value
64790 CDATA Section
64791 Character
64792 Comment
64793 Directive
64794 DOCTYPE Section
64795 Documentation
64796 Element Name
64797 Entity Reference
64798 Escape Ampersand
64799 Float
64800 Conversion between indexed and non-indexed pixel formats is not supported.
64801 Color conversion failed. Could not find a proper method.
64802 Color depth is invalid. Bits per sample must be 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16.
64803 Sample count per pixel does not correspond to the given color scheme.
64804 Subsampling value is invalid. Allowed are 1, 2 and 4.
64805 Vertical subsampling value must be <= horizontal subsampling value.
64806 Preparing...
64807 Loading data...
64808 Upsampling...
64809 Transfering...
64810 LZ77 decompression error.
64811 JPEG decompression error. Unexpected end of input.
64812 Improper JPEG strip/tile size.
64813 Improper JPEG component count.
64814 Improper JPEG data precision.
64815 Improper JPEG sampling factors.
64816 Portable bitmap images
64817 Autodesk images
64818 Kodak Photo-CD images
64819 Dr. Halo images
64820 Paintshop Pro images
64821 Portable network graphic images
64822 Cannot load image. Invalid or unexpected %s image format.
64823 Invalid color format in %s file.
64824 Stream read error in %s file.
64825 Cannot load image. %s not supported for %s files.
64826 Cannot load image. CRC error found in %s file.
64827 Cannot load image. Compression error found in %s file.
64828 Cannot load image. Extra compressed data found in %s file.
64829 Cannot load image. Palette in %s file is invalid.
64830 Cannot load PNG image. Unexpected but critical chunk detected.
64831 The compression scheme is
64832 Truevision images
64833 Tagged image file format images
64834 Macintosh TIFF images
64835 PC TIF images
64836 GFI fax images
64837 SGI images
64838 SGI true color images
64839 ZSoft Paintbrush images
64840 Word 5.x screen capture images
64841 Alias/Wavefront images
64842 SGI true color images with alpha
64843 SGI black/white images
64844 Photoshop images
64845 Portable map images
64846 Portable pixel map images
64847 Portable gray map images
64848 unknown compression method
64849 invalid window size
64850 incorrect header check
64851 need dictionary
64852 Attempt to register %s twice.
64853 Windows bitmaps
64854 Run length encoded Windows bitmaps
64855 Device independant Windows bitmaps
64856 Encapsulated Postscript images
64857 Windows icons
64858 Windows metafiles
64859 Windows enhanced meta files
64860 JPG images
64861 JPEG images
64862 JPE images
64863 JFIF images
64864 data error
64865 insufficient memory
64866 buffer error
64867 incompatible version
64868 invalid distance code
64869 invalid literal/length code
64870 oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree
64871 incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree
64872 oversubscribed literal/length tree
64873 incomplete literal/length tree
64874 empty distance tree with lengths
64875 invalid block type
64876 invalid stored block lengths
64877 too many length or distance symbols
64878 invalid bit length repeat
64879 incorrect data check
64880 Disk is full. Required free space: %d bytes, but available only: %d bytes. Clean the disk or find another blank disk
64881 %s. File processing error, possibly disk is full
64882 File '%s' not found on inserted disk. Please insert last disk with required file
64883 Can't clear data while async data transfer is in progress
64884 Internal error: %s.%s needs implementation
64885 %s is not a valid owner for %s. Owner must be derived from %s
64886 %s.ClipboardFormat is read-only
64887 A required system function (URLMON.CopyStgMedium) was not available on this system. Operation aborted.
64888 The %s class can not be instantiated with the default constructor
64889 Failed to get interface to Desktop
64890 Invalid filename: %s
64891 JPEG error #%d
64892 need dictionary
64893 stream end
64894 file error
64895 stream error
64896 freshened
64897 moved
64898 replaced
64899 logging
64900 Invalid Gzip
64901 Bad CRC
64902 Bad File Size
64903 Unhandled Entity
64904 2.07
64905 Overwrite file "%s" with "%s"
64906 Password for "%s"
64907 Enter password:
64908 Please insert a blank disk #%d
64909 Please insert the first disk
64910 Please insert the last disk
64911 Please insert disk #%d
64912 CRC32
64913 Attributes
64914 Format
64915 Encrypted
64916 Time Stamp
64917 Size
64918 Version Made
64919 Version Needed
64920 Path
64921 Partial
64922 Executable
64923 None
64924 MSZip
64925 added
64926 deleted
64927 extracted
64928 VMS: Failed to read %d bytes from swap file %s
64929 VMS: Failed to write %d bytes to swap file %s
64930 VMS: request to write too many bytes [%d]
64931 BBS: request to read too many bytes [%d]
64932 BBS: New position is outside the buffer
64933 BBS: Invalid Origin value
64934 BBS: request to write too many bytes [%d]
64935 TabSlidingWindowStream.Write: Not at end of stream
64936 TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: seek failed
64937 TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: write failed
64938 TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: invalid origin
64939 TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: invalid new position
64940 Name
64941 Packed
64942 Method
64943 Ratio (%)
64944 OK
64945 Cancel
64946 Select Directory
64947 Enter Password
64948 &Password
64949 &Verify
64950 *.cab
64951 Cabinet Archives (*.cab)|*.CAB|All Files (*.*)|*.*
64952 *.txt
64953 Text Files (*.txt)|*.TXT|All Files (*.*)|*.*
64954 *.exe
64955 Self-Extracting Zip Files (*.exe)|*.EXE|All Files (*.*)|*.*
64956 VMS: request to read too many bytes [%d]
64957 VMS: invalid origin %d, should be 0, 1, 2
64958 VMS: Cannot open swap file %s
64959 VMS: Failed to seek in swap file %s
64960 a
64961 External File Attributes: %s
64962 File Type: %s
64963 Text
64964 Binary
64965 Encryption: %s
64966 Encrypted
64967 Not Encrypted
64968 Unknown
64969 Time Stamp: %s
64970 Made by Version: %f
64971 Version Needed to Extract: %f
64972 Comment: %s
64973 *.zip
64974 PKZip Archives (*.zip)|*.zip|Self Extracting Archives (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*
64975 Select File Name
64976 Reduced
64977 Imploded
64978 Tokenized
64979 Deflated
64980 Enhanced Deflation
64981 DCL Imploded
64982 Best Method
64983 Version %s
64984 Compressed Size: %d
64985 Uncompressed Size: %d
64986 Compression Method: %s
64987 Compression Ratio: %2.0f%%
64988 CRC: %x
64989 r
64990 h
64991 s
64992 FCI close file error
64993 FCI file seek error
64994 FCI file delete error
64995 FCI cannot add file
64996 FCI cannot create context
64997 FCI cannot flush cabinet
64998 FCI cannot flush folder
64999 FDI cannot enumerate files
65000 FDI cannot create context
65001 Invalid cab file template
65002 Invalid file - not a cabinet file
65003 Stored
65004 Shrunk
65005 Reduced
65006 Reduced
65007 Reduced
65008 Error truncating Zip File
65009 Failed CRC Check
65010 Stub must be an executable
65011 File not found
65012 Invalid Local File Header entry
65013 Archive does not exist - Filename is blank
65014 Error reading archive
65015 Invalid archive item index
65016 Invalid archive size threshold
65017 Unhandled Archive Type
65018 Spanning not supported by this Archive type
65019 Error creating Log File
65020 Cannot load cabinet.dll
65021 FCI cannot open file
65022 FCI cannot read file
65023 FCI cannot write file
65024 Archive is busy - cannot process new requests
65025 Insert the last disk in the spanned disk set
65026 Insert floppy
65027 Specify spanned image file #
65028 Specify the last file name in the spanned image set
65029 Image file name
65030 Spanned archives must be opened as file streams
65031 Insert disk number %d of the spanned disk set
65032 Insert span number %d of the spanned file set
65033 Cannot update an existing spanned disk set
65034 Cannot make a self-extracting spanned disk set
65035 Insert a blank floppy disk
65036 Stream write error
65037 Directory does not exist
65038 Cannot inflate block
65039 Invalid Stream
65040 Date is less than minimum of %s
65041 You must be in ShowCheckbox mode to set to this date
65042 Failed to set calendar date or time
65043 Failed to set maximum selection range
65044 Failed to set calendar min/max range
65045 Failed to set calendar selected range
65046 Invalid file - not a PKZip file
65047 Cannot extract file - newer version required
65048 Cannot extract file - unsupported compression method
65049 Cannot extract file - no extraction support provided
65050 Cannot extract file - invalid password
65051 Cannot insert file - no insertion support provided
65052 Invalid Reduce Factor
65053 Cannot insert file - duplicates stored name
65054 Cannot insert file - unsupported compression method
65055 Process aborted by user
65056 Failed to clear tab control
65057 Failed to delete tab at index %d
65058 Failed to retrieve tab at index %d
65059 Failed to get object at index %d
65060 Failed to set tab "%s" at index %d
65061 Failed to set object at index %d
65062 MultiLine must be True when TabPosition is tpLeft or tpRight
65063 Invalid index
65064 Unable to insert an item
65065 Invalid owner
65066 RichEdit line insertion error
65067 Failed to Load Stream
65068 Failed to Save Stream
65069 %d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d
65070 This control requires version 4.70 or greater of COMCTL32.DLL
65071 Date exceeds maximum of %s
65072 Invalid Filename: '%s'
65073 Cannot change path
65074 Filespec '%s' skipped
65075 *Resetting Archive bit
65076 *Copying Zip File
65077 *SFX
65078 *??
65079 *Finalising
65080 *Copying
65081 *Central Directory
65082 *Checking
65083 *Joining split zip file
65084 *Splitting zip file
65085 Dropping %d empty directory entries
65086 Nothing to write
65087 Error %d: %s
65088 Error while copying a filename of a CEH structure
65089 Seek error while skipping a EOC structure
65090 Error while copying the zip archive comment
65091 This is the first file in a backup set,\nplease choose the last file of this set
65092 DiskSpanning not supported
65093 Unknown Error
65094 Size of FileExtraData is larger than available array
65095 ChangeFileDetails is not implemented for a spanned zip file
65096 No Event Handler found to Change File Details
65097 Error while writing a local extra field
65098 Error while writing a central extra field
65099 Error while writing a file comment
65100 The combined length of CEH + FileName + FileComment + ExtraData exceeds 65535
65101 Changing details of:
65102 Duplicate Filename: %s
65103 Cannot change details of Excrypted file
65104 Error while reading/writing a data descriptor area
65105 Error while reading zipped data
65106 Error while reading a file comment
65107 Error while reading the archive comment
65108 UnKnown error in function ReadSpan(), WriteSpan(), ChangeFileDetails() or CopyZippedFiles()\n
65109 Unattended disk spanning not implemented
65110 A local header not found in internal structure
65111 Temporary file could not be created
65112 Error while writing a local header
65113 Error while writing a central header
65114 Error while writing the End Of Central Directory
65115 Error while reading a Extended Local signature
65116 This archive is not a valid Zip archive
65117 This is the first disk in a backup set,\nplease insert the last disk of this set
65118 This is the %dth disk in a backup set,\nplease insert the last disk of this set
65119 Error - Self extracting archives(.exe) can not be spanned
65120 Not a valid drive: %s
65121 Drive %s is NOT defined
65122 Volume label could not be set
65123 Not enough memory to display MsgBox
65124 User canceled operation
65125 Seek error in input file
65126 Write error in output file
65127 Error while reading the End Of Central Directory
65128 Error while reading a local header
65129 Error while reading a central header
65130 A local header signature is wrong
65131 A central header signature is wrong
65132 Error while reading a local file name
65133 Error while reading a central file name
65134 Error while reading a local extra field
65135 Error while reading a central extra field
65136 Fatal Error in UnzDLL.DLL: abort exception
65137 Warning - Unattended Extract: possible not all files extracted
65138 Error - your UnzDLL.dll can not use streams, please update to version >= 1.60
65139 Extract directory '%s' must exist
65140 Failed to load %s
65141 Unable to load %s - It is old or corrupt
65142 Loaded
65143 Unloaded
65144 Error: SFX stub '%s' not found!
65145 Error: input file is not a zip file
65146 SFX Functions not supported
65147 Error - no .EXE file specified
65148 Error: input file is not an .EXE file
65149 Error determining the type of SFX archive
65150 Input file does not exist
65151 Zip file could not be opened
65152 Error while copying the SFX data
65153 Destination zip archive could not be opened!
65154 CopyZippedFiles is not implemented for a spanned zip file
65155 Seek error reading Zip archive!
65156 Unknown error in List() function\n
65157 Warning - Error in zip structure!
65158 Warning - Garbage at the end of the zipfile!
65159 Error - no files to zip!
65160 Unattended action not possible without a password
65161 AddFreshen or AddUpdate not possible on a spanned archive
65162 Error %.1d occurred during Auto SFX creation.
65163 Input stream may not be set to the output stream
65164 Wildcards are not allowed in Filename or file specification
65165 Destination directory '%s' must exist!
65166 Error - no files selected for deletion
65167 Delete Files from archive is not implemented for a spanned zip file
65168 NoToAll
65169 YesToAll
65170 Skipped %s %d
65171 Fatal Error in ZipDLL.DLL: abort exception
65172 Error - no zip file specified!
65173 Requested memory not available
65174 Error - passwords do NOT match\nPassword ignored
65175 Error while copying the SFX header
65176 Rename is not implemented for a spanned zip file
65177 Invalid date/time argument for file:
65178 Error - no add password given
65179 Error - no extract password given
65180 for file:
65181 Source archive is the same as the destination archive!
65182 Copying a file from '%s' to '%s' failed
65183 File '%s' is not present in '%s'!
65184 DLL Error - Invalid structure
65185 DLL Error - Exception in handler
65186 critical DLL Error %d
65187 SFX Message string exceeds 255 characters!
65188 SFX Default path exceeds 255 characters!
65189 SFX Dialog title exceeds 255 characters!
65190 SFX Command line exceeds 255 characters!
65191 SFX Fallback path exceeds 255 characters!
65192 &Yes
65193 &No
65194 &OK
65195 &Cancel
65196 &Abort
65197 &Retry
65198 &Ignore
65199 CancelAll
65200 renamed to:
65201 EraseFloppy - Removing %s
65202 EraseFloppy - Deleting %s
65203 Trace : GetNewDisk Opening: %s
65204 Password
65205 Enter Password
65206 Confirm Password
65207 Exception in Event handler
65208 Was busy, Instructions may have been lost!
65209 Busy, Please wait
65210 not Active
65211 Exception in Event
65212 DLL Error - Aborting
65213 DLL Error - Busy
65214 DLL Error - User Cancelled
65215 DLL Error - Not enough memory
65216 Please insert last disk
65217 Please insert disk volume %.1d of %.1d
65218 This disk has not enough free space available
65219 Creation of output file failed
65220 Last part left as : %s
65221 File larger than 4GB
65222 Unknown Compression Method
65223 Confirm
65224 Erase %s
65225 Copying:
65226 Index (%d) outside range 1..%d
65227 Temporary zipfile: %s
65228 Busy + %s
65229 Unknown error %d
65230 *Loading Directory
65231 Processing:
65232 No help found for context
65233 No topic-based help system installed
65234 OLE error %.8x
65235 Method '%s' not supported by automation object
65236 Variant does not reference an automation object
65237 Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters
65238 DCOM not installed
65239 Cannot change the size of a JPEG image
65240 JPEG error #%d
65241 JPEG Image File
65242 Overwrite file '%s' in '%s' ?
65243 There is already a file %s\nDo you want to overwrite this file
65244 ATTENTION: This is previous disk no %d!!!\nAre you sure you want to overwrite the contents
65245 Central directory
65246 \nin drive: %s
65247 Please insert disk volume %.1d
65248 Error loading dock zone from the stream. Expecting version %d, but found %d.
65249 Multiselect mode must be on for this feature
65250 Error setting path: "%s"
65251 Separator
65252 Error setting %s.Count
65253 Listbox (%s) style must be virtual in order to set Count
65254 No OnGetItem event handler assigned
65255 ANSI
65256 ASCII
65257 Unicode
65258 Big Endian Unicode
65259 UTF-8
65260 UTF-7
65261 Unable to find a Table of Contents
65262 No help found for %s
65263 No context-sensitive help installed
65264 Ne&twork...
65265 Invalid clipboard format
65266 Clipboard does not support Icons
65267 Cannot open clipboard
65268 Default
65269 Text exceeds memo capacity
65270 There is no default printer currently selected
65271 Menu '%s' is already being used by another form
65272 Picture:
65273 (%dx%d)
65274 Preview
65275 Cannot open AVI
65276 Docked control must have a name
65277 Error removing control from dock tree
65278 - Dock zone not found
65279 - Dock zone has no control
65280 Down
65281 Ins
65282 Del
65283 Shift+
65284 Ctrl+
65285 Alt+
65286 (None)
65287 Value must be between %d and %d
65288 All
65289 Unable to insert a line
65290 The specified directory does not exist. Create it?
65291 Select Directory
65292 Directory &Name:
65293 D&rives:
65294 &Directories:
65295 &Files: (*.*)
65296 &Ignore
65297 &All
65298 N&o to All
65299 Yes to &All
65300 BkSp
65301 Tab
65302 Esc
65303 Enter
65304 Space
65305 PgUp
65306 PgDn
65307 End
65308 Home
65309 Left
65310 Up
65311 Right
65312 Cannot drag a form
65313 Metafiles
65314 Enhanced Metafiles
65315 Icons
65316 Bitmaps
65317 Warning
65318 Error
65319 Information
65320 Confirm
65321 &Yes
65322 &No
65323 OK
65324 Cancel
65325 &Help
65326 &Abort
65327 &Retry
65328 Printer selected is not valid
65329 %s on %s
65330 GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex
65331 Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active
65332 Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap
65333 A control cannot have itself as its parent
65334 OK
65335 Cancel
65336 &Yes
65337 &No
65338 &Help
65339 &Close
65340 &Ignore
65341 &Retry
65342 Abort
65343 &All
65344 Error creating window device context
65345 Error creating window class
65346 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
65347 Control '%s' has no parent window
65348 Parent given is not a parent of '%s'
65349 Cannot hide an MDI Child Form
65350 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide
65351 Cannot make a visible window modal
65352 Scrollbar property out of range
65353 %s property out of range
65354 Menu index out of range
65355 Menu inserted twice
65356 Sub-menu is not in menu
65357 Not enough timers available
65358 Printer is not currently printing
65359 Printing in progress
65360 Metafile is not valid
65361 Invalid pixel format
65362 Invalid image
65363 Scan line index out of range
65364 Cannot change the size of an icon
65365 Invalid operation on TOleGraphic
65366 Unknown picture file extension (.%s)
65367 Unsupported clipboard format
65368 Out of system resources
65369 Canvas does not allow drawing
65370 Invalid image size
65371 Invalid ImageList
65372 Unable to Replace Image
65373 Invalid ImageList Index
65374 Failed to read ImageList data from stream
65375 Failed to write ImageList data to stream
65376 Failed to get data for '%s'
65377 Failed to set data for '%s'
65378 Resource %s not found
65379 %s.Seek not implemented
65380 Operation not allowed on sorted list
65381 String expected
65382 %s expected
65383 %s not in a class registration group
65384 Property %s does not exist
65385 Stream write error
65386 Thread creation error: %s
65387 Thread Error: %s (%d)
65388 Tab position incompatible with current tab style
65389 Tab style incompatible with current tab position
65390 Bitmap image is not valid
65391 Icon image is not valid
65392 Invalid property element: %s
65393 Invalid property path
65394 Invalid property type: %s
65395 Invalid property value
65396 Invalid data type for '%s'
65397 Invalid string constant
65398 Line too long
65399 List capacity out of bounds (%d)
65400 List count out of bounds (%d)
65401 List index out of bounds (%d)
65402 Out of memory while expanding memory stream
65403 Number expected
65404 %s on line %d
65405 Error reading %s%s%s: %s
65406 Stream read error
65407 Property is read-only
65408 CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread
65409 Class %s not found
65410 A class named %s already exists
65411 List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)
65412 A component named %s already exists
65413 String list does not allow duplicates
65414 Cannot create file "%s". %s
65415 Cannot open file "%s". %s
65416 Identifier expected
65417 Unable to write to %s
65418 Invalid binary value
65419 Invalid file name - %s
65420 Invalid stream format
65421 '%s' is an invalid mask at (%d)
65422 ''%s'' is not a valid component name
65423 Invalid property value
65424 Thu
65425 Fri
65426 Sat
65427 Sunday
65428 Monday
65429 Tuesday
65430 Wednesday
65431 Thursday
65432 Friday
65433 Saturday
65434 Unable to create directory
65435 Ancestor for '%s' not found
65436 Cannot assign a %s to a %s
65437 Bits index out of range
65438 Can't write to a read-only resource stream
65439 ''%s'' expected
65440 January
65441 February
65442 March
65443 April
65444 May
65445 June
65446 July
65447 August
65448 September
65449 October
65450 November
65451 December
65452 Sun
65453 Mon
65454 Tue
65455 Wed
65456 Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p
65457 System Error. Code: %d.\n%s
65458 A call to an OS function failed
65459 Application is not licensed to use this feature
65460 Jan
65461 Feb
65462 Mar
65463 Apr
65464 May
65465 Jun
65466 Jul
65467 Aug
65468 Sep
65469 Oct
65470 Nov
65471 Dec
65472 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s
65473 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable
65474 Too many custom variant types have been registered
65475 Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
65476 Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
65477 Variant overflow
65478 Invalid argument
65479 Invalid variant type
65480 Operation not supported
65481 Unexpected variant error
65482 External exception %x
65483 Assertion failed
65484 Interface not supported
65485 Exception in safecall method
65486 %s (%s, line %d)
65487 Abstract Error
65488 Exception %s in module %s at %p.\n%s%s\n
65489 Application Error
65490 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument
65491 No argument for format '%s'
65492 Variant method calls not supported
65493 Read
65494 Write
65495 Format string too long
65496 Error creating variant or safe array
65497 Variant or safe array index out of bounds
65498 Variant or safe array is locked
65499 Invalid variant type conversion
65500 Invalid variant operation
65501 Invalid NULL variant operation
65502 Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)\n%s
65503 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range
65504 Invalid numeric input
65505 Division by zero
65506 Range check error
65507 Integer overflow
65508 Invalid floating point operation
65509 Floating point division by zero
65510 Floating point overflow
65511 Floating point underflow
65512 Invalid pointer operation
65513 Invalid class typecast
65514 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p
65515 Access violation
65516 Stack overflow
65517 Control-C hit
65518 Privileged instruction
65519 Operation aborted
65520 '%s' is not a valid integer value
65521 '%s' is not a valid floating point value
65522 '%s' is not a valid date
65523 '%s' is not a valid time
65524 '%s' is not a valid date and time
65525 '%d.%d' is not a valid timestamp
65526 Invalid argument to time encode
65527 Invalid argument to date encode
65528 Out of memory
65529 I/O error %d
65530 File not found
65531 Invalid filename
65532 Too many open files
65533 File access denied
65534 Read beyond end of file
65535 Disk full